Videos of trams in Budapest

There are 16 videos of trams and light rails in Budapest (Hungary) on Tram Travels.

Urbos Tramways for BKK, HungaryUrbos Tramways for BKK, HungaryBy CAF.
March 16, 2018.
World's Longest Trams / Najdłuższe tramwaje świata w BudapeszcieWorld's Longest Trams / Najdłuższe tramwaje świata w BudapeszcieBy Niskopodłogowiec.
April 24, 2017.
Komunikacją miejską po Budapeszcie / Getting around Budapest by public transportKomunikacją miejską po Budapeszcie / Getting around Budapest by public transportBy Niskopodłogowiec.
March 13, 2017.
The longest tram of the world in Budapest (CAF Urbos 3)The longest tram of the world in Budapest (CAF Urbos 3)By ikarus28000.
May 18, 2016.
The world's longest tramcar in Budapest - Weltweit längste Straßenbahn - CAF UrbosThe world's longest tramcar in Budapest - Weltweit längste Straßenbahn - CAF UrbosBy jazzcool.
April 8, 2016.
The world's longest tram in Budapest - CAF - Die weltweit längste StraßenbahnThe world's longest tram in Budapest - CAF - Die weltweit längste StraßenbahnBy jazzcool.
October 30, 2015.
Budapest Tatra T5C5K Tram RideBudapest Tatra T5C5K Tram RideBy Luftschlange.
October 31, 2014.
Budapest tramBudapest tramBy Strassenbahnfreak.
September 29, 2013.
Budapest Tram - Line 1Budapest Tram - Line 1By Klingl3r.
October 18, 2012.
Visit to the Public Transport Museum in SzentendreVisit to the Public Transport Museum in SzentendreBy Áfonya.
May 27, 2012.
Nostalgic trams on Tram Line nr. 2 in BudapestNostalgic trams on Tram Line nr. 2 in BudapestBy Oleever07.
September 4, 2011.
Budapest tram: The type DUEWAG Tw6000 ex-HannoverBudapest tram: The type DUEWAG Tw6000 ex-HannoverBy Klingl3r.
November 12, 2010.
Budapest tram: The eight-axle articulated trams from GanzBudapest tram: The eight-axle articulated trams from GanzBy Klingl3r.
November 6, 2010.
BKV Budapest Tram/Tram Type UVBKV Budapest Tram/Tram Type UVBy Public Transport Worldwide.
February 16, 2009.
Budapest trams (Hungary)Budapest trams (Hungary)By Mikhail Petrishin / Igor Bekirov.
Siemens Combino tram in Budapest - TramSiemens Combino tram in Budapest - TramBy jazzcool.
December 27, 2006.

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Last updated: December 12, 2024.