HVG Halberstadt - Line 2, Leoliner NGTW6-H #2

New video - November 26, 2024

YouTube name: Transport & ÖPNV.
Language: German.
Date: February 2, 2024.
City: Halberstadt (Germany).

The video shows

Halberstädter Verkehrs (HVG)

1Halberstadt extra line 1: Friedhof - Hauptbahnhof

2Halberstadt tram line 2: Hauptbahnhof - Sargstedter Weg


In the next episode from Halberstadt you will learn about the route of the second and last tram line in this city. Unfortunately, it is not its longest variant running through Klus, but despite this I have captured the entire network operated on weekdays - which was not difficult. In addition to trams, there are also many buses running around the city - 6 city lines are also operated by HVG, and the rest are regional, extending far beyond the city limits - these tasks are performed by other companies. Just a dozen or so buses and slightly fewer trams make HVG one of the smaller municipal carriers in Germany. Usually in small German towns, city transport is entrusted to larger county carriers, but in this case it is different, and trams have certainly contributed a lot to this. The city itself is inhabited by a little more than 40 thousand people, and this number increased after the incorporation of the surrounding towns into its borders. 2 Sargstedter Weg - Bahnhof
1. Sargstedter Weg
2. Torteich
3. Voigtei
4. Johannesbrunnen
5. Hoher Weg
6. Holzmarkt
7. Heinrich-Julius-Straße
8. Spiegelstraße
9. Westerhäuser Straße
10. Herbingstraße
11. Klusstraße
12. Landratsamt
13. Erich-Weinert-Straße
14. Heinrich-Heine-Platz
15. Richard-Wagner-Straße
16. Bahnhof


HauptbahnhofSargstedter WegKlusHerbingstraßeHoher WegVoigtei.

HVG Halberstadt - Line 2, Leoliner NGTW6-H #2

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Last updated: November 30, 2024.