Geneva railcar 125

In operation as a museum vehicle

The history of the tram

Transports Publics Genevois (TPG)

1920: Delivered as Geneva railcar 125, manufacturer SIG / SAAS, type Ce 2/2.

Chemin de fer-musée Blonay-Chamby
Open regularly

1961: Arrived at a museum as Blonay railcar 125 (ex Geneva railcar 125), manufacturer SIG / SAAS, type Ce 2/2.

Postcard: Blonay sidecar 370 in front of Chemin de fer-musée Blonay-Chamby (1997)Postcard: Blonay sidecar 370 in front of Chemin de fer-musée Blonay-Chamby (1997)By Chemin de fer-musée Blonay-Chamby, Henrik Boye, J.-P. Cerez.

Association Genevoise du Musée des Tramways (AGMT)
Open regularly

1997: Taken over by the museum as Geneva railcar 125, manufacturer SIG / SAAS, type Ce 2/2.

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Last updated: December 21, 2024.