Berlin railcar 6221

In operation as a museum vehicle

The history of the tram

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG)

1943: Delivered as Berlin railcar 6221, manufacturer Uerdingen, type KSW, with 20 seats and 64 standing places.

Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn (WS)

July 8, 1944: Taken over by the company as Woltersdorf railcar 7 (ex Berlin railcar 6221), manufacturer Uerdingen, type KSW, with 20 seats and 64 standing places.

Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn (WS)

November 1979: Rebuilt to Woltersdorf museum tram 7 (ex Berlin railcar 6221), manufacturer Uerdingen, type KSW, with 20 seats and 64 standing places.

Postcard: Woltersdorf Tramtouren with museum tram 7 near Goethestr. (2000)Postcard: Woltersdorf Tramtouren with museum tram 7 near Goethestr. (2000)By Henrik Boye, Uwe Eckart, Woltersdorfer Straßenbahn (WS).
The Woltersdorf tram on May 19, 2012.mpgThe Woltersdorf tram on May 19, 2012.mpgBy choppernachladung.
May 19, 2012.

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Last updated: February 18, 2025.