Westbahnhof (Vienna)

There are 10 photos from Westbahnhof (Vienna) and 3 trams in the direction of Westbahnhof (Vienna) on Tram Travels.

Photos and videos from Westbahnhof (Vienna)

Vienna sidecar 1267 at Westbahnhof (2012)Vienna sidecar 1267 at Westbahnhof (2012)By Silas Boye Nissen.
July 23, 2012.
Vienna tram line 6 with articulated tram 4515 at Westbahnhof (2012)Vienna tram line 6 with articulated tram 4515 at Westbahnhof (2012)By Silas Boye Nissen.
July 23, 2012.
Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4737 at Westbahnhof (2012)Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4737 at Westbahnhof (2012)By Silas Boye Nissen.
July 23, 2012.
Vienna tram line 18 with articulated tram 4077 at Westbahnhof (2012)Vienna tram line 18 with articulated tram 4077 at Westbahnhof (2012)By Ole Bøglund.
April 10, 2012.
Vienna tram line 6 with low-floor articulated tram 608 at Westbahnhof (2012)Vienna tram line 6 with low-floor articulated tram 608 at Westbahnhof (2012)By Ole Bøglund.
April 10, 2012.
Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4861 at Westbahnhof (2010)Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4861 at Westbahnhof (2010)By Henrik Boye.
March 29, 2010.
Postcard: Vienna at Westbahnhof (1987)Postcard: Vienna at Westbahnhof (1987)By Henrik Boye, Verlag: Bauer.
Vienna tram line 18 with articulated tram 4539 near Westbahnhof (1982)Vienna tram line 18 with articulated tram 4539 near Westbahnhof (1982)By Henrik Boye.
July 1982.
Vienna tram line 6 with articulated tram 4303 at Westbahnhof (1982)Vienna tram line 6 with articulated tram 4303 at Westbahnhof (1982)By Henrik Boye.
July 1982.
Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4609 near Westbahnhof (1982)Vienna tram line 9 with articulated tram 4609 near Westbahnhof (1982)By Henrik Boye.
July 1982.

Location on a map

Trams in the direction of Westbahnhof (Vienna)

Vienna Trams - Vienna TramsVienna Trams - Vienna TramsBy indiavideo.
September 23, 2012.
Vienna tram line 5  at Praterstern (2001)Vienna tram line 5 at Praterstern (2001)By Henrik Boye.
April 14, 2001.

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Last updated: November 17, 2024.