San Bernardo (Seville)

There are 3 photos from San Bernardo (Seville) and 3 trams in the direction of San Bernardo (Seville) on Tram Travels.

Photos and videos from San Bernardo (Seville)

MetroCentro (Tram) Seville / Sevilla - OnboardNew video - added this week
MetroCentro (Tram) Seville / Sevilla - OnboardBy Metropolitan Studios London.
September 22, 2022.
MetroCentro Seville, Spain. Wow, Hybrid Tram Ride Experience!New video - added this week
MetroCentro Seville, Spain. Wow, Hybrid Tram Ride Experience!By Swissclimber1.
July 20, 2018.
Sevilla Tram in the historic citycenterNew video - added this week
Sevilla Tram in the historic citycenterBy Public Transport Worldwide.
September 11, 2022.

Location on a map

Trams in the direction of San Bernardo (Seville)

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Last updated: February 5, 2025.