Plaza Nueva (Seville)
There are 5 photos from Plaza Nueva (Seville) and 6 trams in the direction of Plaza Nueva (Seville) on Tram Travels.
Photos and videos from Plaza Nueva (Seville)

MetroCentro (Tram) Seville / Sevilla - OnboardBy Metropolitan Studios London.
September 22, 2022.

MetroCentro Seville, Spain. Wow, Hybrid Tram Ride Experience!By Swissclimber1.
July 20, 2018.

Sevilla Tram in the historic citycenterBy Public Transport Worldwide.
September 11, 2022.

July 11, 2023.
Location on a map
Trams in the direction of Plaza Nueva (Seville)

Sevilla Tram in the historic citycenterBy Public Transport Worldwide.
September 11, 2022.

October 17, 2023.

October 17, 2023.

September 22, 2017.

September 22, 2017.

July 20, 2014.