Neuweilerstrasse (Basel)

There are 1 photos from Neuweilerstrasse (Basel) and 3 trams in the direction of Neuweilerstrasse (Basel) on Tram Travels.

Photos and videos from Neuweilerstrasse (Basel)

Basel tram line 8 with articulated tram 655 at Neuweilerstrasse (2006)Basel tram line 8 with articulated tram 655 at Neuweilerstrasse (2006)By Henrik Boye.
April 13, 2006.

Location on a map

Trams in the direction of Neuweilerstrasse (Basel)

Switzerland: Trams in Basel, April 2016Switzerland: Trams in Basel, April 2016By Video Mitch.
April 16, 2016 - April 19, 2016.
Postcard: Basel tram line 8 with articulated tram 623 on Steinenberg (1991)Postcard: Basel tram line 8 with articulated tram 623 on Steinenberg (1991)By D. Madörin, Ernst B. Leutwiler Verlag, Henrik Boye.
September 8, 1991.

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Last updated: January 25, 2025.