Haid Munzinger Straße
There are 1 photos from Haid Munzinger Straße and 3 trams in the direction of Haid Munzinger Straße on Tram Travels.
Photos and videos from Haid Munzinger Straße
Freiburg im Breisgau tram line 5 with articulated tram 265 at Haid Munzinger Straße (2003)By Henrik Boye.
July 2, 2003.
July 2, 2003.
Location on a map
Trams in the direction of Haid Munzinger Straße
Ride on the tram line 5 GT8N Freiburger Verkehrs AG Hornusstrasse to BertoldsbrunnenBy Lobse.
October 31, 2012.
October 31, 2012.
Trams in Freiburg April 2011By Ruairidh MacVeigh.
April 2012.
April 2012.
trams of the VAG FreiburgBy djdose100.
December 14, 2011.
December 14, 2011.