Photos by Max Bierl from Munich

There are 3 tram and light rail photos by Max Bierl from Munich (Germany) on Tram Travels.

Postcard: Munich tram line 1 with railcar 721 at Ramersdorf (1972)Postcard: Munich tram line 1 with railcar 721 at Ramersdorf (1972)By Max Bierl.
May 1972.
Postcard: Munich tram line 25 with articulated tram 202 near Stachhus (1968)Postcard: Munich tram line 25 with articulated tram 202 near Stachhus (1968)By Max Bierl.
March 1968.
Postcard: Munich special event line W with railcar 717 at Brausebad (1967)Postcard: Munich special event line W with railcar 717 at Brausebad (1967)By Max Bierl.
September 1967.


Freunde des Münchner Trambahnmuseums /
Gesellschaft für Trambahngeschichte (FMTM/GTG)

By: Markus Trommer.
Language: English, German.

"The Association of Friends of the Munich Tramway Museum actively manages the history and technology of the Munich tramway in word, picture and deed."

See all links about trams in Munich.

Last updated: January 20, 2025.