Links about trams in Malmö

There are 9 links about trams and light rails in Malmö (Sweden) on Tram Travels.

Photo albums

Bilder und Informationen für den Straßenbahn- und Eisenbahnfreund
By: Hans & Brigitte Männel.
Language: German.

Private homepages

PGs World
By: PG Andersson.
Language: Swedish.

The GS Web Site
By: Gábor Sándi.
Language: English.

"Home page of Gábor Sándi"

By: Peter Hansen.
Language: Danish.

"Trams from Denmark, Germany, Austria and USA."

Tram associations

Malmö Stads Spårvägar (MSS)
Language: Swedish.

Svenska Spårvägssällskapet (SSS)
Language: Danish, English, Finnish, French, Icelandic, Italian.

"The Swedish Tramway Society operates museum tram service at four locations in Sweden. In Malmköping, there is Sveriges Lokaltrafkmuseum (the Swedish Urban Transport Museum), with preserved trams and buses from many Swedish cities. We also operate service in Stockholm, Norrköping, and Malmö, and we cooperate with Ringlinien in Gothenburg."

Tram blogs

Language: Danish.

Tram museums

Malmö Museer
Language: Swedish.

Tram videos

YouTube: SporvognDK
Language: Danish.

"The Skjoldenæsholm Tram Museum was inaugurated on May 26, 1978 and is under constant expansion. The Museum is built and run exclusively by voluntary, unpaid labor who, as members of the Tram History Society, spend a large part of their free time ensuring the continued operation and expansion of the museum."

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Last updated: February 28, 2025.