Links about trams in Helsinki

There are 20 links about trams and light rails in Helsinki (Finland) on Tram Travels.


Oy Stadin Ratikat
Language: English, Finnish, Swedish.

"Rent your own tram! Rent your own tram!"

Language: English, Finnish, Russian, Swedish.

"SpåraKOFF is a tram converted into a restaurant that tours the most important sights in Helsinki's city center. Book for private events!"

Photo albums

By: Finn Jensen.
Language: Danish.

" with 4465 tram photos. All photographed by Finn Jensen"

Private homepages

Forlaget Din Bog Dragør: Sporvogn, Trolley, Bus
By: Dines Bogø.
Language: Danish.

"Dines Bogoe - Sydamager"

Light Rail Day
By: Bernd Reuß.
Language: English.

"Light Rail Day the most important conference for City Tram in Scandinavia."
By: Dierk Nüchtern.
Language: German.

" shows various historical route network plans, mainly from the Ruhr area, from the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s. These include trams that have long since been closed down, such as the Vestische, Wuppertal, Bremerhaven, Kiel, and Hamburg."

Language: Polish.

"Electric Public Transport & Communication Overlays/Layers for Google Earth and GoogleMaps"

Nordlunds trafiksidor
By: J. Nordlund.
Language: Finnish, Swedish.

Sporvei og t-bane
By: Eyolf Berg.
Language: English, German, Norwegian.

yle: Slöseri eller framtidens melodi – politikerna sa ja till spårvagnen men bland Vandaborna går åsikterna isär
By: Carina Bruun.
Language: Swedish.

"The Vantaa City Council has approved the 19-kilometer tram line from Mellungsbacka to the airport. The decision has been met with both praise and criticism from Vantaa residents, but the city engineer is relieved."

yle: Svenska Yle testar: Är den nya snabbspårvägen snabbare än bussen den ska ersätta?
Language: Swedish.

"Once the new light rail system is operational, bus line 550 will eventually be discontinued. We tested how much faster light rail line 15 is than the bus line it will replace."

Tram associations

Suomen Raitiotieseura ry (Raitio)
Language: English, Finnish.

Svenska Spårvägssällskapet (SSS)
Language: Danish, English, Finnish, French, Icelandic, Italian.

"The Swedish Tramway Society operates museum tram service at four locations in Sweden. In Malmköping, there is Sveriges Lokaltrafkmuseum (the Swedish Urban Transport Museum), with preserved trams and buses from many Swedish cities. We also operate service in Stockholm, Norrköping, and Malmö, and we cooperate with Ringlinien in Gothenburg..."

Tram companies

Helsingin Seudun Liikenne / Helsingforsregionens Trafik (HSL/HRT)
Language: English, Finnish, Swedish.

"Find information to help you plan and execute your trip, such as routes, stops, prices, news and travel tips. Discover it!"

Language: English, Finnish, Swedish.

"Kaupunkiliikenne Oy manages Helsinki's public transport infrastructure and owns the tram fleet. We are responsible for the development and maintenance of the entire public transport system. We operate trams and metro. We also organize the Suomenlinna ferry service and the Helsinki city bike service..."

Tram museums

Language: English, Finnish, Russian, Swedish.

Tram projects

HBL: Helsingfors satsar 15 miljoner euro på 500 meter spår till flygplatsen
Language: Swedish.

"The Vantaa Line, a brand new rapid tram line from Helsinki to the airport, has received the thumbs up from Helsinki…"

Raide-Jokeri Jokeri Light Rail
Language: English, Finnish, Swedish.

yle: Huvudstadsregionen Spårjokern invigs den 21 oktober – 34 spårvägshållplatser ska binda samman huvudstadsregionens kollektivtrafik
Language: Swedish.

"Light rail line 15 will run between eastern Helsinki and southern Espoo from October 21. The project was completed ahead of schedule."

Tram videos

yle: Finlands nyaste spårvägslinje invigdes – vi åkte med
By: Roy Mäki-Fränti.
Language: Swedish.

"Watch our bilingual report directly from the inauguration. Hannah Thulé reported in Swedish and Vesa Marttinen in Finnish. The broadcast started at 9.15, just before the first tram departed."

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Last updated: January 20, 2025.