Links about trams in Amsterdam There are 29 links about trams and light rails in Amsterdam (Netherlands) on Tram Travels.
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Photo albums Dewi's Trains, Trams & Trolleys Language: English.
Eisenbahn und Bus Fotos von Lars Brüggemann By: Lars Brüggemann. Language: German.
"Photos of trains, buses, ships and tourism. Are you looking for photos for advertising, books, magazines or newspapers?" Michael Heussler Photografien (MHP) By: Michael Heussler. Language: German.
"Photography with the following themes:
Railroad, tram, cities, nature and landscapes" Muldershouse Uitgeversmaatschappij Language: Dutch.
Nahverkehrsportal By: Christian Lahn. Language: German.
Straßenbahn - und Busbilder By: Andreas Wolter. Language: English, German.
"Tram and bus pictures from Kassel. Local transport in northern Hesse in and around Kassel." Tramfoto Language: Dutch.
"Photos of trams in the Netherlands and Europe and some explanations." UrbanRail.Net By: Robert Schwandl. Language: English.
Private homepages Amsterdamsetram Language: Dutch.
"Memory of the Amsterdam tram, with pen drawings, documentation and photos," at5 Echt Amsterdams Nieuws: Museumtram rijdt tijdelijk naar de Dam door ontwikkeling Havenstraatterrein Language: Dutch.
"Museum tram temporarily runs to Dam Square due to development of Havenstraat site" Geheugen van de Amsterdamse tram By: Cor Fijma, Cees Pot, Tom Mulder, Jeroen Epema & Erik Swierstra. Language: Dutch.
"Memory of the Amsterdam tram, with pen drawings, documentation and photos," Gooische Stoomtram Language: Dutch.
"Gooise steam tram - Gooise murderer" Het lijnkleurensysteem van het openbaar vervoer in Amsterdam By: Han Schomakers. Language: Dutch, English.
Historisch Railvervoer Nederland (HRN) Language: Dutch, English. By: Michiel Hooijberg. Language: Dutch.
Rob's Transit Trips Language: English.
Simplon Postcards By: Ian Boyle. Language: English.
"The Passenger Ship Website" Tram.pagina Language: Dutch.
"Tram homepage with route planners and discounts on tram, bus and metro in all cities in the Netherlands. Information about cheap city trips" Traminfo Language: Dutch.
Trams in Europa Language: Dutch.
Tramweg-Stichting Language: Dutch.
Treinen en trams op doek By: Jim Gijbels. Language: Dutch.
"Paintings of TRAINS and TRAMS, Jim Gijbels - Amsterdam" Tram associations Blickpunkt Straßenbahn Language: English, German.
"Here again is the current list of all tram companies in the world (as of December 2024). As always, this also includes subways, trolleybuses and other related railways." De Nederlandse Museummaterieel Database (NMMD) Language: Dutch, English, German.
Nederlandse Vereniging van Belangstellenden in het Spoor- en tramwegwezen (NVBS) Language: Dutch.
"The Dutch Association of Interested Parties in the Railway and Tramway Industry (NVBS) was founded in 1931. The NVBS has over 4000 members. Many of these are members because of the beautiful monthly magazine Op de Rails. There are about twenty departments that organize meetings and other activities." Stichting TramWerk By: J.B. de Meij. Language: Dutch.
Tram blogs Speciale trams By: Nick Kennis kvk. Language: Dutch.
"Photo blog with special trams and trains" Tram companies Gemeentevervoerbedrijf Amsterdam (GVB) Language: Dutch, English.
Tram museums Electrische Museumtramlijn Amsterdam (EMA) Language: Dutch, English.
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