Postcard: Vienna Oldtimer Tramway with railcar 2447 on Laurentiusplatz (1979)
Archive: Henrik Boye.
Photographer: Ernst Kabelka.
Publisher: Der Bahnladen.
Date: September 8, 1979.
City: Vienna (Austria).
The picture shows
Vienna Transport Museum 'Remise'
Open regularly
Vienna Oldtimer Tramway
Vienna railcar 2447, type K, series 2281-2543, width 2.20 m, length 10.65 m, weight 13.6 t, manufactured 1913-1914, with 22 seats and 36 standing places, power output 50 kW, signed line 10, in the direction of Dornbach, interconnected with:
Vienna sidecar 3442, manufacturer Staudinger Waggonfabrik, type k2, width 2.00 m, length 10.00 m, weight 5.0 t, manufactured 1910-1913, with 22 seats and 42 standing places.
Verband der Eisenbahnfreunde, Straßenbahn-Triebwagen Type K, Nr. 2447 (ex WVB), Baujahr 1913, auf Sonderfahrt am 8 IX 1979 am Laurentiusplatz i n Wien
VEF, restored tram car type K, no. 2447 (ex WVB) on Sept. 8 1979 at Laurentiusplatz/Vienna

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