Postcard: Brussels tram line 4 with articulated tram 9061 at Boitsfort / Bosvoorde (1962)

Terminus: Boitsfort / Bosvoorde.
Archive: Henrik Boye.
Photographer: Robert Temmerman.
Publisher: Musée Privé de Documentation Ferroviaire (MUPDOFER).
Publisher: Sporvejshistorisk Selskab (SHS).
Date: August 1962.
City: Brussels (Belgium).

The picture shows

Brussels Intercommunal Transport Company (MIVB/STIB)

16Brussels tram line 16: Heizel / Heysel - Boitsfort / Bosvoorde

Brussels articulated tram 840, manufacturer Düwag, series 801-900, width 2.20 m, length 19.10 m, manufactured 1960-1968, with 36 seats and 119 standing places, 6 axles.

4Brussels tram line 4: Noordstation / Gare du Nord - Stalle

Brussels articulated tram 9061, type 7900, series 7901-7961.


Bruxelles (Belgium) : Københavns Sporveje 840 (DÜWAG 1962) on loan from Copenhague to Bruxelles seen at Boitsfort-Terminus on Route 16, Together with 9061 on Route 4 in August 1962

Bruxelles (Belgium): KS ledvogn 840 (DÜWAG 1962), Udlaant til Bruxelles, paa linie 16 sammen med 9061 paa linie 4 i Boitfort sløjfen. August 1962.

Postcard: Brussels tram line 4 with articulated tram 9061 at Boitsfort / Bosvoorde (1962)

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Last updated: December 18, 2024.