Leipzig sidecar 830 on Georg-Schumann-Straße 244 (2001)

Museum: Tram Museum Leipzig-Möckern Georg-Schumann-Straße 244.
Photographer: Henrik Boye.
Date: August 1, 2001.
City: Leipzig (Germany).

The picture shows

Tram Museum Leipzig
Open regularly

Leipzig sidecar 830, manufacturer Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk Berlin-Schöneweide (RAW), type Reko Kaffevogn.

Leipzig railcar 20, type Außenbahn, signed Leipzig (Blücherplatz).

Leipzig railcar 809, type 20 Leipzig, signed line 8 Sonderwagen.

Leipzig railcar 1464, manufacturer Dessauer Waggonbaufabrik AG, type 22s Leipzig, series 1412-1468, width 2.80 m, length 10.30 m, weight 13.5 t, with 20 seats and 66 standing places, 2 engines, power output 60 kW, signed line 11 Sonderfahrt.

Leipzig railcar 1601, manufacturer VEB Waggonbau Gotha, type LOWA, signed line 27 Sonderfahrt.

Leipzig sidecar 830 on Georg-Schumann-Straße 244 (2001)

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Last updated: June 20, 2024.