Brussels railcar 1259 Musée du Tram (2010)

Tram depot: Musée du Tram Av. de Tervueren 364.
Photographer: Henrik Boye.
Date: June 30, 2010.
City: Brussels (Belgium).

The picture shows

Brussels Tram Museum (MSVB/MTUB)
Open regularly

Brussels railcar 1259.

Brussels articulated tram 4032, type PCC, series 4000, 4001-4043, signed line 90.

Brussels railcar 5008, manufacturer La Dyle, type MIVB/STIB Series 5000.

Brussels railcar 7126, type PCC, series 7000-7171, width 2.20 m, length 14.21 m, weight 16.5 t, manufactured 1951-1971, with 32 seats and 68 standing places, 4 engines, power output 41 kW, max speed 70 km/t, with total advertising.

Brussels railcar 1259 Musée du Tram (2010)

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Last updated: December 18, 2024.